Over the next five years, we will continue to improve the educational environment in schools around Babati
Our Development Targets
By 2023, we want the schools we work with in Babati to be unrecognisable from how they were at the start. This can only be achieved with the combined efforts of both LLT and the schools.
Our partner schools aim to achieve the following over the next five years:
Classroom sizes rarely exceed 50 students.
Book ratios never fall below 1 book per 3 students.
Attendance levels remain above 90%.
Pass rates to secondary school are above 75%.
Toilets are of WHO SWASH standards.
Students undertake termly hand washing training
All students are fed by the community
Kitchens have fuel-efficient stoves
Schools have a tree nursery and planting schedule
Schools have permanent goalposts for football and netball
All buildings and assets are maintained by the community
School enterprise programmes generate profit to contribute to school running costs
Schools have good water security
Schools have adequate teacher accommodation
Schools should invoke their exit strategy
Teacher Training is made available at all partner school
Introduce tablet learning in the younger years
Different schools need different development models, subject to their available resources and their locations. As such, we have developed long-term and short-term partnership models for the next five years.
Long-Term partnerships with Schools
Our long-term partnerships work hand in hand with rural communities to develop a school that can contribute to its running costs, reducing its dependency on the local government and community. All the while, as dependency decreases, academic performance should increase.
The long-term projects require a Memorandum of Understanding between all stakeholders. Certain terms and conditions of engagement need to be agreed, including community contributions, participation, establishment and running of a school meal programme, and agreement to fund asset maintenance.
Waangwaray Primary
To add an incinerator to the girls' toilets and, if required, an additional cubicle
To ensure there are permanent posts for football and netball
To establish a tree nursery at the school and develop a tree planting and watering regime
Develop the asset register
Develop and run a community-funded school maintenance schedule
To enter new agreement to add additional much-needed buildings
To exit from the existing agreement
The cow shed has been built and two pregnant cows bought. Both cows have given birth and are providing milk for sale
The photocopier have been purchased
The asset registered has been created
The maintenance programme has been developed with the school development committee and is being implemented
Trees nursery has been established and over 450 trees have been planted
The income generation programme has achieved profit for 3 years in a row
Due to pressure from other schools we are unlikely to add further classrooms
Head Teacher attended self reliance workshops.
Managhat Primary
We aim to enhance the income generation potential and bio-gas generating progress at the school by building a new cow shed and added more cows - DONE
To ensure there are permanent posts for football and netball
To add an incinerator to the girls toilets and, if required, an additional cubicle
Develop the asset register.
Develop and run a community-funded school maintenance schedule
To replace a section of the roof and some rafters
To exit from the existing agreement
The chicken coop has been built and chickens bought, an additional cow shed has been built and new cows added. A fish pond has been built in a fenced in area
The asset register has been completed
The maintenance programme has been developed with the school development committee and is being implemented
The income generation programme has made a profit for the 2nd year in a row
The girls toilets have been improved by the addition of a cubicle with washing facilities and an incinerator
A new hand washing station has been built for all students
Teacher attended self reliance workshop and Nane Nane Agricultural show
Malangi Primary
To renovate Classrooms 1, 2 and 3
To demolish and rebuild a teacher's house with toilet
To add a water distribution system to the school once World Bank water has arrived
Develop the asset register
Develop and run a community-funded school maintenance schedule
To improve the income generation potential of the school by adding net shading and drip irrigation to the market garden
To exit from the existing agreement
To add 4 teachers houses
The kitchen has been completed
Classrooms 9 and 10 are complete
Net shading and drip irrigation have been added to the market garden
Classrooms 1,2,3 have been fully renovated with a new, higher, metal framed roof, larger windows and new floors throughout. All have been painted
Drip Irrigation as been added along with further net shading
Head Teacher attended self reliance workshop
Work has started on the foundations of the 4 teachers’ houses
World Bank water has been taken over my Bawasa (local Babati water authority) and so we are hopeful that things might progress
Gendi Primary
Purchase and install solar powered pump and a water distribution system -
To establish a tree nursery
To develop a tree planting schedule
To renovate all the classrooms to ensure they are safe and inspirational
Build a kitchen with store room
To build a fenced-in, income-generating market garden
To establish the Enterprise Programme
Develop the asset register
Provide a photocopier
Develop and run a community-funded school maintenance schedule
New teachers and student toilets have been built to a high standard, all with wheel chair access and female toilets have incinerators and a hand washing station built
The water survey have been completed and the borehole drilled, a solar powered hybrid pump installed along with panels and is now operational through a water distribution network
Classrooms 1,2,3,4,5 13,14 have been fully renovated
A kitchen with 2 store rooms has been built and plastered and a plate and hand washing station added
A 2500 square meter market garden was been fenced in, 2 x 5,000 litre water tanks installed on a platform and connected to the water supply and drip irrigation laid throughout. It is now growing fruit and vegetables
Funds have been raised for the roof of 9 & 10 and the teachers office in between
Photocopier provided
Sawe Primary
To build and fit out 16 classrooms and 5 offices/stores with rainwater harvesting
To buy textbooks and teaching guides as needed
To build WHO SWASH-standard toilets for teachers and students
To build a kitchen and store with fuel-efficient stove
To establish a School Meals Committee to co-ordinate the collecting and feeding of students
To establish a tree nursery
To develop a tree planting schedule
To build a fenced-in market garden
Develop the asset register
Develop and run a community-funded school maintenance schedule
The layout for the whole school has been approved
Classrooms 1,2,3,4 and 5 are complete and operational
The toilets have been built and are operational
A temporary fuel efficient kitchen has been built and the students are eating
The school opened on time in January 2018
Classrooms 6 and 7 are being built
Teacher attended self reliance workshop
FT Sumaye Secondary
An incinerator needs to be added to the girls' toilets
A tree nursery needs to be established and tree planting schedule developed
They have requested a photocopier, printer, computer and a cow shed with cows so they can start their own income generation programme
Water has been drilled and provided at the school.
A kitchen with store has been built
The toilets for the girls’ dormitory have been built and 24 bunk beds provided so the dormitory can be used.
A new toilet cubicle and a cubicle to manage menstruation have been added to the girls' toilets
A photocopier has been provided
A business plan for the dairy income generating business is being developed
Head Teacher attended self reliance workshop
Bambai Primary School
To improve water security
To improve the student and teacher WASH facilities
To establish an income generation programme
To build a kitchen and a tree nursery
to renovate all existing classrooms
To build 2 more classrooms
To provide parental lessons to the community
Community consultation progress has started
Date set for community Problem Tree analysis
Short-term partnerships
Short-term partnerships focus on addressing the immediate and urgent needs of mostly urban schools.
Due to their urban locations, our self-sustaining schools model is not applicable to these schools. However, their urgent need for improvements remains the same.
These schools also require community contributions and participation, and we will be advising them on how to maintain their assets through planned management and community engagement.
Komoto Secondary
To improve toilet facilities for girls, boys and teachers
To assist improve the school's farm through installing rainwater run-off collection system
Assist in testing students by providing photocopier
Improve kitchen and storage facility
Classroom renovations
Teachers, girls and boys toilets have been fully renovated and modesty walls added. A new cubicle was added for girls to wash with access to the newly built incinerator. Hand washing facilities have been added to the corridor for all.
Photocopier provided
Head Teacher attended self reliance workshop
Maisaka Primary
The kitchen needs a fuel-efficient stove
The school needs a tree planting programme
Develop the asset register
Develop and run a community-funded school maintenance schedule
We have installed a fuel efficient stoves in their kitchen
Head Teacher attended self reliance workshop
Mtuka Primary School
Fuel efficient stove and tree nursery
Assist with the development of the market garden
Establish an Environment Club
Add guttering and rain water harvesting system
Built a fuel efficient stove
Tree nursery established
Head Teacher attended self reliance workshop
Kwaang Secondary
The kitchen needs a fuel-efficient stove
The cooks need training
A tree nursery needs to be established and tree planting schedule developed
An incinerator needs to be added to the girls' toilets
The stove has been built and fuel efficiency rates at over 50% in the first month
The cooks, teachers and some students have been trained
Darajani Primary School
To build a fuel efficient stove
To help establish an Environment Club
Stove built
Club established
Trees planted
Ziwani Primary School
Fuel efficient stove and tree nursery
Connect the school to the electricity
Buy a pump
Install a water tank on a stand and drip irrigation system
None to date
MUtuka Secondary
Install a fuel efficient stove
Install a stand for the water tank
Improve water security for the school and community
Connect the water tank to the water supply
Install drip irrigation in the school meals garden
Invest in an income generating market garden
Fuel efficient stove added. The savings in money for firewood will be used to buy seeds for school meals garden
Water tank on a stand has been completed
3 x drip irrigation systems established in the market garden.
Photocopier has been provided and is having a great impact
Head Teacher attended self reliance workshop
Sigina Primary school
To bulld a fuel efficient stove
Establish a tree nursery
Establish an Environment Club
Stoves built
Tree nursery established
Kwaraa Secondary
A new kitchen needs to be built
An incinerator needs to be added to the girls' toilets.
A tree nursery needs to be established and tree planting schedule developed
The kitchen and store has been built
Head Teacher attended self reliance workshop
Dhoma Primary School
To build a fuel efficient stove
To establish a tree nursery
To establish a an Environment Club
Stove built
Tree nursery established