Our Programmes

27,447 people across Babati have benefited from our work to date.

This represents students, teachers, farmers and entrepreneurs across Babati. Supporting communities to bring about the change they want to see in a way that enhances them.

Education for young people is recognised as the best tool to sustainably beat poverty and create stronger and more equal communities, yet for many communities in Tanzania there are hurdles that prevent young people from accessing it. We work alongside the community to identify what those hurdles are and together develop strategies to overcome them.

One of the hurdles is domestic poverty so we work with adults in the community to support them to enhance income generating skills.

By working collaboratively with the community on both of these focuses many of the hurdles can be dismantled and lives improved.

Click HERE to read about our work on Twiga, the Air Tanzania in flight magazine.


Schools we have partnered with

Waangwaray Primary School (W,C,T,HW,SIGA,H,K,TO,L,S,SD, PC)

Sinai Primary School (W,C,T,HW,SIGA,K,TO,L,S)

Managha Primary School (W,C,T,HW,SIGA,H,K,TO,L,S,SD)

Malangi Primary School (W,C,T,HW,SIGA, H,K,TO,L,S,PC)

Gendi Primary School (W,C,T,HW,SIGA,K,TO,S)

Bambay Primary School (W,C,T,HW,K.PC

Sawe Primary School (C,T,HW,K,TO,P,PC)

Kiongozi Primary School (C, PC, FES, HW)




HW=Hand washing facilities

SIGA=School income generation activity

H=Houses for teachers

K=Kitchen with Fuel Efficient Stove

FES=fuel efficient stove

TO=teachers offices


S=Store room

SD=Satillite Dish


BB=Bunk beds


Schools we have assisted

Komoto Secondary School (T,PC,HW)

FT Sumaye Secondary School (W,T,HW,PC,BB)

Mutuka Secondary School (W, T,HW,PC, SIGA, BB)

Kwaraa Secondary School (K)

K’waang Secondary School (FES)

Sigino Secondary School (T, HW,BB)

Komoto Primary School (HW)

Mutuka Primary School (FES, HW)

Maisaka Primary School (C, FES, HW)

Darajani Primary School (FES, HW)

Hangoni Primary School (FES, T, HW)

Sigino Primary School (BB)

Ziwani Primary School (T, HW)

Nangara Primary School (HW)

Daghailoy Primary School (C,HW)

Haraa Primary School (T,HW)

Bonga Primary School (HW)

Oyster Bay Primary School (HW)

Imbilli Primary School (HW)

Halla Primary School (HW)

ChemChem Primary School (HW)

Harambee Primary School (HW)

Sora Primary School (HW)

Sendo Primary School (HW)

Mamire Secondary School (BB)

Babati Day Secondary School (T, HW)