Nearly 80% of Tanzanians are subsistence farmers who rely on the weather for their livelihoods.
Farmers traditionally grow the same crops - maize and pigeon peas, and, in the Babati area, some also grow sunflowers.
Prices fluctuate massively, subject to harvests - which are entirely dependent on when and how much it rains. This means farming is a precarious lifestyle with little income security.
Many farming techniques in Tanzania are outdated too; most farmers learnt from their parents and neighbours, and are fearful of change,
The majority of Babati's children suffer from stunted growth due to poor diet - a direct result of their parents' farming activities. This poor diet leaves the body undernourished and less likely to be able to fight off diseases.
If we want to tackle a child's health and wellbeing, we need to address their diet, as well as their understanding of the relationship between diet and wellbeing. We also need to demonstrate how farmers can farm fruit and vegetables for themselves without huge risk.
With improved family diet and greater income security, householders can meet more of their priorities - and essentially farm themselves out of poverty.