Every child has the right to learn.
When a young person learns it puts them on the path to realising their full potential and the chance break the cycle of poverty, live healthier and longer lives and lift up their families and communities.
Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world - Nelson Mandela
We sit and listen to the community as they identify the challenges they face which trying to get their children educated, and we explore the root causes. We then jointly work out a path to support the community overcome those challenges.
we have improved the educational environment for 14,418 students at 22 schools
School Meals
Sustainable Development Goal 2 - Zero Hunger
Every student needs lunch
Without lunch, a person will get tried and sleepy, they may get irritable, they will struggle to concentrate, they may not attend at all - all of which contributes to attentiveness, attendance and ultimately their academic performance.
We work with the community to encourage them to set up committees that gather food and funds from within their own ranks so that they can provide school meals. It is a pre-requisite of working with us.
Where schools provide a lunch time meal we will ensure that they are cooking using a fuel efficient stove.
Click HERE to learn more
Click HERE to learn about Gendi market garden
Click HERE to learn about Waangwaray and Malangi
Water and Sanitation
Sustainable Development Goal 6 - Clean Water and Sanitation and goal 5 - gender equality
It goes without saying that water is a vital part of every school.
Ideally a school should have access to clean water within the school grounds so that students and teachers alike can drink in the knowledge that they will not get sick.
Water should be available for cooking, cleaning, washing and for irrigation purposes.
The roofs of buildings should have guttering to collect rainfall and water tanks to store the water.
Schools should have toilets that are clean and meet the needs of the users.
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Click Here for the independent report from Children’s Voices in Action
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School Environment
Sustainable development goal 4 - Quality Education
Dark, dangerous, and over crowded classrooms are not inspirational environments in which to learn or teach.
We work with the community, teachers, students, local builders and crafts folk to change the environment by building more classrooms, renovating the existing ones, putting in more desks, tables and chairs, and buying books.
By creating a safe, comfortable and inspiring environment for teachers and students we are giving everyone the opportunity to be the best they can be.
We have renovated/built from scratch 60 classrooms and 15 teachers offices across 8 schools.
Click HERE for latest news of Sawe Primary School’s progress
Click HERE for latest news on Waangwaray Primary School’s Graduation from our programmes
Click HERE for news on Gendi Primary School’s progress
Click HERE for news on Teachers Houses at Malangi
Teaching and Learning
Sustainable Development Goal 4 - Quality Education
Where teachers lack the resources to teach and the students lack the resources to learn the education process can easily stagnate. Teachers stand at blackboards writing questions that the students copy and then answer. It becomes ‘Teacher centric’, not ’student centric’.
We work with the teachers to identify what they need in order to change the status quo. In part it needs teaching and learning resources (books, maps, etc), but also photocopiers for more testing. Teachers need greater community buy in to the values of education, and they need professional development.
We are developing relationships with “Inspiring Teachers”, Aprender and others to help the teachers with their focus, their teaching skills in order to inspire them to be the best teachers they can be. Where possible we aim for a minimum ratio of one book between 3 students and ideally one each
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Click HERE to see latest exam results
Click HERE to learn about Aligator’s Mouth book shop in Richmond, Surrey