Helping Hands supports exceptional students who face an education cut short

Far too many young people in Tanzania have to stop their education aged just 14, simply because their family cannot afford for them to progress to secondary school. In these cases, it is rare that a child's potential will ever be truly fulfilled.

Our Helping Hands Programme offers exceptional young people the chance to continue their studies for as far as they can go. 

We focus on supporting those students from Babati who have done fantastically well in their O levels and have been accepted to Secondary School and need some support to cover the additional costs. A level students are normally sent to another town and so have to pay transport board and lodgings , which for some families is problematic. This is where we can, with our help, offer some support.



our Impact

'Life-changing' is not a term we use lightly. However, Helping Hands has proved exactly that for our students

  • One orphaned little girl was sleeping on the floor in her uncle's kitchen. She has now competed a degree in social work from the University in Dar es Salaam, is married nd has travelled to Scandinavia for work, all because of her hard work and some financial backing

  • One little girl was a ‘house-girl’ with a passion to learn. We supported her education through University and she became a teacher is also married.

  • One boy was shivering with fear when we discovered him. He was in Year 2 of primary school and totally deaf - something which had not been noticed before due to large class sizes. He has learnt sign language, progressed through primary education and is now at vocational centre learning skills that will see him gain employment.

  • One bright young lad had a turbulent home life and was due to live in the rural areas, but with support he was able to stay in school and now has a Degree in IT

One by one, live are being changed because of a hand up, not a hand out