Leaving a Lasting Legacy

See details of our latest Legacy Campaign

Give in your Will September 2023 — Livingstone Tanzania Trust

Thousands of young people are flourishing through learning and are now able to make the most of life’s opportunities. A gift in your Will can truly help us have a lasting effect for thousands more.

We promise to continue to deliver solutions that bring about real change, and our long-term commitment means we are not focused on short-term fixes, with your support, we will keep focusing on being the best change makers we can.

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Making this very special commitment to education in Tanzania allows us to plan ahead for future projects. From helping young people improve their access to a quality education or to helping budding entrepreneurs receive the training they need to be successful; your legacy really will improve the lives of so many people in Tanzania.

Quite simply helping others to overcome the barriers that life has put in their way is helping to create a better world for the future.

Next Steps

If you are considering making the incredible pledge of a gift in your Will to the people of Tanzania, then we realise the process of writing or changing a Will can seem complex. But the reality is that making, or even updating, a Will is easy.

Just leaving 1% of your estate to Livingstone Tanzania Trust can make a remarkable change.

If you already have a Will, you can contact your solicitor stating that you wish to add a gift in your Will to Livingstone Tanzania Trust (charity number 1119512). It can be done in minutes but will have a lasting impact on the lives of so many vulnerable people.

If you would like to talk to us about it, please email Julian
