Gendi Community School - classrooms 9 and 10

 Education is the foundation on which life is built.

Only 57% of children in Tanzania progress through to secondary school, leaving thousands of 13 and 14 years olds to enter adult life. With no skills they are open to exploitation and will no doubt continue to perpetuate the cycle of poverty.

By removing the barriers to a quality education such as water insecurity, unsanitary toilets, insufficient classrooms, desks, books etc, disconnects between the school and the community as well as health issues faced by the students, LTT have been able to transform some of the worst performing schools in Babati. And by so doing, the students are attending and enjoying school life and academic performance is rocketing, with now, an average grade of 94%. 

Our vision is to reach all the communities in Babati where large numbers of students are being failed, so that all students can access a quality education and make the most of the opportunities that further education provides them.

Each school and each community will have different challenges but with your support we can all work together to move forwards at speed by investing in dismantling the barriers identified as hurdles to progress.  Neither us not the community can do this work alone and we seek you support to turn the dreams of young children into a reality.


The aim of our education programme is to increase the number of students who pass Standard 7 exams and are then eligible for a place at Secondary School.

We seek to achieve this by building more classrooms and achieving a reduced classroom size so the students get more access to a teacher. The classrooms we build are to a high standard so they last a long time, we fir them out with desks and provide books with the target of at least 1 book per desk (3 students)

The classrooms all have rainwater harvesting systems that provide water for general school use.

Where there is no mains water, we seek to drill boreholes (5 to date) with pumps, preferably solar to reduce the running costs.

We work with the community and teachers to improve the sanitation provided at the schools to ensure they meet the needs of the young people. We have helped to establish WASH Clubs in the schools where hygiene including menstruation is openly discussed, by tackling this taboo topic head on, we create a safe space for correct information to the distributed and support close to hand. The WASH Club is overseen by trained Ambassadors who correct misinformation and encourage the community to ensure soap and emergency pads are always available

We encourage each community to establish a school meals programme and we provide a fuel efficient stove and training in their use to help reduce firewood consumption.

Through these different interventions and with the amazing efforts of the teachers in the schools we have seen academic performance shoot up and schools that were the worst and feared closure, now performing well.

Bambay Community School Classrooms

Moving Forwards

We are committed to completing the projects that we have started and are actively looking for partnerships to support our efforts and ensure that the young people get the education that is the right at a quality they need to overcome poverty


Since 2017, the community have been building this school from scratch and to date they have built 13 of the needed 16 classrooms, each with 10,000litres of rain water storage capacity. We have raised, through the Big Give Christmas Appeal £19,501, and other smaller donations means we are close to half way there. Target date: September 2023 to start construction with completion by December 2023. As always the totally engaged community have agreed to dig the foundation and provide all the foundation rocks and bricks to lintel level.


We have been working hand in hand with the school and the community since 2017, we started by drilling a borehole and installing a solar powered water pump and a gravity fed water distribution system around the school. With a secure water source we were able to build new toilets with hand washing facilities for students and teachers and renovated 12 of the 14 classrooms, as well as building a new kitchen with small storeroom. The two remaining projects are to renovate the last 2 classrooms which will require a roof replacement, now windows and the demolition of some small storage rooms; and the building of a food store.


We started working with the school in 2019, when we drilled a borehole and installed a solar powered water pump together with a gravity fed water distribution system. We then worked with the community to renovate and build new student toilets and a brand new facility for the teachers. The next priority was a new kitchen with a fuel efficient stove and storage facilities, after their existing lean-to facility collapsed. There is much renovation to be done but the urgent need identified by the school, now they have water and a kitchen is a new double classroom.