
Space to learn


 The physical and mental space to learn is key requisite to help young minds grow and reach their potential

Children are incredibly receptive to the environment around them and their sponge-like thirst for stimulation means that everything is noticed. It is so important that the message of their classroom re-enforces the importance placed on education by the adult world from whom they learn.

Yet sadly their classrooms are dark, over crowded, as students they are squashed 3,4,or 5 to a desk without enough space to write or read or have privacy of thought. Often classrooms are use to store broken furniture, sacks of maize, or building materials. The subliminal message this sends out is that education is not the most important thing,

The best children’s classrooms are designed from the perspective of the child, taking into account their needs. They are learning environments where children can really feel at home and own the space. The ideal learning spaces for children are bright to aid concentration, they are inspirational, they have desks suited to their needs, and they are dedicated to learning. This is the teaching and l;earning environment we are eager to work with the community and teachers to create.

the Tanzania Government have a target of no more than 45 students per classroom, which is an admirable target and a challenge to achieve in urban areas.

In 2019, the average class size across all of Babati’s primary schools was 63 for standard 3-7 (all day learning), with three schools having an average of over 90 students. Our partner schools have an average of 45 students per classroom meeting the Government target