Creating greater equality by 2022
With the right support, women have the power to end household poverty in Babati.
Over the next five years, we will continue to implement programmes which provide training, practical skills and access to loans.
These programmes can economically empower poor women, as well as giving them a voice and a greater awareness of women's rights.
Savings and Loan Schemes
By 2022, we plan to have made loans ranging from £70 to £170 to approximately 550 members of women's and farming groups across five different communities, each supporting farming or other micro-businesses.
So far 20 teachers and 45 community members have graduated from the programme,
Batik and Soap Manufacturing
As the Sawe Women's Group continues to generate revenue from batik and soap manufacturing, we intend to support their development plans.
This will ensure they have the support in place should they wish to expand their business operations further afield.
Street Business School Training
In 2018 we plan to start training members of the Sawe community to develop their business ideas. This is not a loans programme but a programme where community members must invest their own money into their own project once they have completed the training. This is the first time we have delivered this training model
Menstrual Hygiene Management
In 2018, we are running a pilot programme with girls in two different primary schools, helping to increase awareness of menstrual hygiene and dispel myths associated with menstruation and reproductive health.
Boys, teachers, parents and school health workers will also be included in the programme, enhancing their knowledge and breaking down prejudices against girls and women.
Following evaluation, we will seek to deliver the training to school health workers across the region, so that they can deliver training to others in their respective communities.
Girl Guides of the Manyara Region
As the Manyara Region Girl Guide Group strives to socially and economically advance girls and young women within the region, we will continue to support their outstanding work over the next five years.
By 2022, we aim to promote the delivery of a Girls4Girls programme, which has been developed by Inspire-Worldwide.
The programme is designed to help girls from one culture support girls from another, supporting the belief that all women are connected and share an important role in the future of our globalised world.