Autumn News - Education

It has been a very busy time out in Babati with many projects running at the same time. We are grateful to all of those who have donated to assist the schools and the community. 

Sinai Primary School

A team of teachers and students from Silcoates School, Wakefield, were accompanied by 2 team leaders from Inspire Worldwide. After 12 months of fund raising the team arrived and soon set about working tirelessly. A new library, part funded by them, had been built and they made the floor, plastered, limed and painted the walls, painted the tables, benches and designed the interior. It was finished by the time they left 10 days later. The old library was transformed into a special needs classroom so that the 6 students with special needs could at last have their own classroom and focus on learning uninterrupted.

In addition the team expanded the hardship garden by 200%, planted 16 banana trees, 9 pawpaw trees, onions and cassava. They also helped repair the overused fuel efficient stoves in the kitchen. While visiting Maisaka Primary School the students were upset to hear that some of the special needs students there were not receiving lunch and have agreed to provide funds to cover that cost for the year. 

LTT have also attached getting to 2 classrooms and installed a 5,000 litre water tank so that advantage can be take of the rains and the schools reliance of the pump and BAWASA (the national water supplier) the water board be reduced and the associated costs also reduced

Waangwaray Primary School

Community participation is so important to our work. If the community do not participate it means they don't want it. The delay in the construction of a second kindergarten was an example of this. But after 18 months of having over 100 children on one classroom, trying to learn the basics for school, the community saw the need for an additional classroom. With their bricks, stones and labour we built the new classrooms and now the students can gain the best foundation to their future education. 

We were also pleased that the school development committee allowed us to name the kindergarten the Jan James Kindergarten, after one of our early donors whose support of our work has been a huge encouragement. 

Managhat Primary School 

A team of students and teachers from Leighton Park School, Reading, were accompanied by 2 team leaders from Inspire Worldwide. In a school with water problems the team were challenged with the task of renovating an old classroom and transforming it into a library, as well as building a cow shed. The Cow shed is part of the bio-gas project and the waste from the co a vital element to its success. The Bio-gas will remove the schools need for firewood and help slow down the local deforestation. The bio-slurry will be used as organic fertilizer for the market garden. The cow shed also contains a home for the farm hand and the cows will provide the school with an income from the sale of milk which will cover the cost of the farm hand and provide funds for building maintenance. 

The market garden had 15 new banana trees added to it.

The team completely renovated a poor classroom, turning it into a beautiful library.

Guttering was connected to the buildings and the rain water can now be collected in out 1000,000 litre water tank. This will reduce the demand for pumped water and also provide a years round supply of water for the cows! 

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