Replication is the mark of success

When we visited the Mtuka Secondary School the Head Teacher showed us around and introduced a small vegetable garden and explained that he was inspired by our work at Waangwaray where he lived and his wife works.


When we visited Mtuka Primary School we found another small market garden had been established, this time by a teacher how had been transferred from one of the schools we work at. 

FT Sumaye Secondary School, where we have worked on other projects, have approached us to ask for assistance in establishing a dairy project and market garden at their school so they can be more self-reliant.

Komoto Secondary School visited our offices and have started their own market garden.

To have had this effect on other schools means that what we are doing is well liked and desired by others.

With the help of our donor community we want to help to develop the skills of the teachers and students so not only can they make a success out of the gardens but also learn valuable transferable enterprise skills. We want to help them expand their production using modern irrigation techniques and to find new markets for their crops. 

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