Pascali gradutes and starts new chapter of his life

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You may recall that a couple of years ago we were introduced to Pascali and his young brothers Frank and Yoda. Since then we have built them a new home and supported their education. We are thrilled to be able to share the fantastic news that Pascali has graduated from vocational training college and he has also passed his driving test.

In Babati there is enormous demand for taxi services provided by Tuktuks and so LTT will be loaning a tuktuk to Pascali so that he can start to earn a living for himself. This will enable him to support his brothers independently, steadily reducing the need for support from LTT.

We are immensely proud of Pascali who has been so brilliant taking on responsibility for his brothers after their parents died. His long-term goal is to be a bus driver, for which he needs to be 35, so in the meantime he is starting with a tuktuk and can work his way up.

Through our helping hands programme, we will be continuing to support Pascali’s brothers through their education. We would like to thank those who have so kindly supported Pascali and his brothers over the past 2 years. You support has enabled the boys to completely change the trajectory of their lives.

LTT’s helping hands programme relies on the generosity of individuals who are able to contribute to the fund and whose generosity helps bring changes for young people like Pascali.

If you can support us through a monthly donation, we can help more young people

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