Congratulations to Catherine


We are delighted to let you know that Catherine, the first student in LTT’s Helping Hands Programme has graduated from Dar es Salaam University with a 2:1 BA Degree in Social Work.

LTT started supporting her in 2009 when she left primary school. Catherine has overcome many challenges to achieve this fantastic result and we are so very proud of her. She was worked incredibly hard and is so deserving of her success

During her course Catherine spent time in the Refugee camps in western Tanzania working with a great organisation called “Baba watoto”, working with refugees from Burundi in partnership with Save the Children In Kasulu and Kibondo districts. They run child protection and educational programs in teaching and learning spaces and Child Friendly Spaces ) where variety of participatory methodologies are employed for resilience building among children ,youth and their parents and guardians. Catherine aims to go back to the region and continue supporting them in this work

We have invited Catherine to join our Helping Hands board so that she can both contribute to the fund and help select the next round of students and provide them with mentoring and guidance. We were delighted when she accepted. She will be an amazing asset. Over time we hope that LTT will slowly step away from the programme and it will be managed entirely by those who have been supported by it.

Providing scholarships to young people who would otherwise not afford to continue with their education costs money and we ask those who might afford it, to make a commitment of contributing £5 or £10 a month for as long as you are able.

Thank you to EVERYONE who supports this programme, you are helping young people to change their lives.

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