Edible Garden Progress Report 2020


Livingstone Tanzania Trust’s (LTT) Edible Gardens Programme builds capacity for vegetable production by creating a network of organic demonstration gardens and community trainers across Babati, in northern Tanzania.

Through the programme families are enabled to grow their own organic vegetables, creating a supplementary income stream, whilst also reducing household expenditure on, and the time burden of, buying fresh produce for the family. This, combined with training on diet, health and hygiene, supports families to improve household nutrition and to better meet their needs every day.

Our effective Community Trainer model ensures that each community has ongoing access to advice and training from within the community, supporting the spread of knowledge and skills, and ensuring sustainability.

In 2019 we scaled the programme out to a 5th community and, with the support of the Oakdale Trust, to a 6th community where we completed training in 2020.

Now, as a result of the programme there are 22 demonstration gardens across 6 communities in Babati and 108 households have increased capacity for vegetable production through training from ourselves and the Edible Garden Community Trainers.

To read the full report, click HERE

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