Mikono Salama (Safe Hands) Programme Update - Aug 2021

Poor hand hygiene was identified in the 2018 National Household Survey as a major concern and the Manyara Region was amongst the worst regions in the country. Poor hand hygiene leads to the spread of disease that can kill. Sharing knowledge on how and when to wash your hands and with what is a great way to bring about behaviour change to address this problem, but to be really successful, the schools must have the facilities for the students to wash their hands and access to soap,

Our Mikono Salama (Safe Hands) Programme is working with teachers to address this problem and we are thrilled to have completed the 2nd cohort of schools, where we have trained the teachers and installed 3 multi-user hand washing stations at 3 more schools in Babati. (Hangoni, ChemChem and Mutuka.) This allows 24 students to wash their hands at one time.

This brings to 15 the number of schools we have added hand washing facilities to since March 2020 and we hope to add 7 more to that list by the end of the year.

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